How can I integrate my QuickBooks with ClientStack?

ClientStack is a custom app which we developed for you to manage your online reputation, phone and text communications with clients, and other marketing efforts more simply and powerfully. To learn more, see: ClientStack Overview

Using the steps below, you can directly sync with ClientStack with QuickBooks. This will help automate the migration of your client and prospect data out of QuickBooks and into your ClientStack app.

1. To begin, log in to your ClientStack app. See steps here

2. Choose the Settings option from the left-hand ClientStack menu.

3. Scroll down the Settings menu, until you locate the Integrations option. Click the Integration menu option, as shown below.

4. Locate the QuickBooks option on the Integrations page. Select the green Connect button, to begin integrating QuickBooks.

5. Select QuickBooks, as shown below.

6. Then choose the Sign in option

7. Use your login credentials to access your QuickBooks account. 

8. Once you've provided your login credentials, you will be prompted to grant ClientStack access to your QuickBooks data. Click Connect to begin integrating QuickBooks with your ClientStack app.

What does this integration do? This integration sync’s all new contacts that are created in Quickbooks after the integration. Be aware that it may take up to 5 min for contact to show in ClientStack.
You will have to export your contacts previous in Quickbooks and import them into ClientStack. Feel free to provide these contacts in Excel or CSV format, to support@taxpromarketer, if you would like assistance with this import process.

Note: There is a check box that shows up under the Quickbooks Icon integration once connected asking if you want to auto send reviews. Feel free to select, according to your comfort level. 

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