ClientStack Overview

ClientStack is a custom app which we developed for you to manage your online reputation, phone and text communications with clients, and other marketing efforts more simply and powerfully. Here’s a snapshot of the resources now available to you and your team:
  • Generate real client reviews for your local Google listing
  • Manage more of your business’ reputation online, and respond to reviews
  • Manage direct chat conversations with leads and clients via your website and your Google local listing, all in one place (and alongside client text conversations)
  • Initiate text communications (SMS) with your clients
  • Engage in direct two-way texting with your clients from one central hub
  • Track incoming calls, to more accurately track your marketing efforts

Review Generation and Reputation Management

Once you have logged in, the first step to utilizing your ClientStack app is to get your GoogleBusinessProfile connected. See the articles below if you need help with these steps:

Now you can start using ClientStack to request and respond to Google reviews with your clients. Here’s an overview of how it works.
(Note that if you’ve been using the previous business app we provided you for review generation, it is being replaced by this new and improved app. We think you’ll find this one much easier to use, and it will definitely become much more powerful than the one it’s replacing, as we continue to build in more features over time.)

Phone Tools

This is the newly available bundle of features*:

  • Live chat
    Manage direct conversations with leads and clients via your website and your Google local listing, all in one place (and alongside client text conversations; read on)
  • SMS broadcasts
    Initiate text communications (SMS) with your clients, and even send broadcasts to their phone
  • Two-way texting
    Engage in direct conversations with your leads and clients over text all from this same central hub
  • Missed call text-back
    Automatically text a follow up message to leads or clients who call your office but don’t reach a live person. This enables you to retain that potential new appointment you might otherwise have lost. (Tip-off: This is one of the most powerful features for your firm that we’ve been able to offer to date.)
  • Mobile review requests
    Text requests to clients via SMS (not just email)
  • Call tracking
    Track your incoming phone calls, and more accurately measure your marketing efforts and call handling (call attribution and recording)

*These features are available for an extra fee because of the hard costs of registration and ongoing usage fees.

We are not rolling out these features for anyone automatically, but only upon request. The reason for that is that if we turn them on, it is actually critical that you have someone from your firm responding to the profitable messages from leads and clients that this will generate, or it could cause more harm than good.

At least during normal business hours every weekday, you’ll want to have someone keeping ClientStack open alongside their email inbox and business phone. This is so they can respond to new leads and existing clients who will be requesting services over text message and through your website.

We recommend that this person be your receptionist or whoever else in your firm is directly responsible for responding to calls and messages, and scheduling appointments.

One more reason we are offering this only upon request is that we also want to first make sure you understand a few things about call tracking, if you’ve never used it. Call tracking is obviously a common and desirable business service, and the following dynamics are true of call tracking services from any provider or platform. But we wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be surprised by how call tracking works. So here’s a breakdown.

Powerful Call Tracking features:

  • See where your phone calls come from (website, ads, Google Business Profile, etc.)
  • Listen to the call recording
  • Add and update contact information for leads and clients
  • Rate the caller as a good or bad lead

Special Note: Because of some special code needed for call tracking to work, your phone number could appear different depending on where someone is finding you online – but I assure you, your main office line will still ring and work as it always has. Now you will get the added benefit of understanding how people are finding you, and you gain the ability to listen back to calls as needed. This will not be an issue for your leads and clients, as they typically do not have your main office line memorized anyway. They simply have it saved on their phone or will search online and tap to call you, and that will continue to work as it always has. Your main office phone will always ring, using either number.

Want to add partners or staff?

Add as many as you want, easily, and at no cost.
Need other help?
  • Search our growing library of support articles for the app.
  • Watch the recordings of our live Office Hours with our clients, where we covered the introduction and answered questions about ClientStack. You can find these recordings in your Members Area, or follow these links: 
  • Our Open Office Hours call all about ClientStack (recorded 1/21/22)
  • Find our awesome support team available via live chat in the app, during normal business hours. You’ll receive the same high quality of support in the app that you’re accustomed to from our staff everywhere else you engage with us. Just look for our usual live chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the app.
We’re thrilled to be providing this brand-new resource as part of your ongoing marketing and lead/client nurture efforts with us. Keep an eye out for added features that we’ll be rolling out in the months to come!

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us