Should I include keywords in the blog posts I create?

When writing blog content with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in mind, Google prefers a one-page blog post, focusing on only one keyword at a time.

If you choose to write your own content, in addition to the blogs provided through TaxProMarketer, please bear the following in mind.

If you were to stuff a blog post with keywords, Google will see this, and ultimately, this act will hurt the SEO for that specific webpage. Writing SEO-focused blog content that hones in on one keyword, requires extensive blogging experience. With years of blogging under our belt, our team understands that we'd be requiring too much of our clients to ask them to contribute on the SEO-focused blogging work for their website. We're happy to do this on your behalf!

Instead, feel free to create blogs as they come to you. Our web team can post them to your website for the education of your online audience. 

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