Can I make my own blog posts?

If you are a subscriber to our website services, you may already be aware that our blogging team posts weekly search engine-optimized blog content to your marketing website, which covers a wide variety of topics. 

The articles we write build your overall domain authority, as well as let regular folks (or small businesses) know where to go when they have tax problems. That being said, if you would like to do any blog writing yourself, in addition to what we provide, you are more than welcome to do so. Once you've crafted your exciting new blog, our team is happy to add the new blog post to your marketing website.

In order to add your new post, we'll need your office to provide the following:

  • Blog body
  • Blog title
  • (Optional) Blog photo

Once you've crafted the body of the blog, and decided on a blog title, feel free to send those items to Our team will use the provided content to create a new blog post for your website. 

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