Where do I find my advertising leads?

We understand the importance in following up with the leads that sign up through your advertising campaign. Happily, ClientStack has simplified the process of identifying these leads and distinguish where they came from. 

Regardless of where these online marketing leads originate, you will receive an email notification containing their contact information and answers to the questionnaire they completed. Once you receive this email, the contact information is stored in your ClientStack app for convenient access.

ClientStack Contacts Page: 

  1. Log in to your ClientStack app and navigate to the "Contacts" tab. 
  2. Search for "Ads Lead" and this will display all of the respective leads. 
  3. Simply select each lead to see all of the data that is associated with each one. If you would like to see the answers to the questionnaire they filled out you can expand the dropdown "Additional Info" and it will display their answers. 

Lead Form Submission Page: 

  1. Navigate to the "Data & Analytics" tab in your Members Area. Here you will be able to see all of your marketing data at a glance. 
  2. Under "Lead Capture Form Submissions" on the button that says "View My Leads." 
    1. Note: If you are not already logged into your ClientStack account you will be asked to login. 
  3. Once you are logged in this page will display all of the leads you have received through your website or advertising campaign. 
  4. Choose each lead and you will be able to see where the lead came from and all of the answers to the questionnaire they filled out. 

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