How to add TaxProMarketer as an Admin in your Keap Account

In order for our team to have the necessary access to build out the email marketing campaigns in your Keap app, our team will either need your login credentials or we will need a partner role on your app.

If you would prefer not share your login credentials, feel free to use the following steps to add TaxProMarketer as a partner.

1. Log in to your Keap account and go to "Users":

2. In Users, click on the 'Add Partner' icon:

3.  Add as a Partner with Admin access and click Send:

While the TaxProMarketer won't directly synch with your Keap app, our team will be creating the email campaigns directly in your app and housing your contacts there. When you edit and approve a marketing email in your Email Marketing Dashboard, our email team will then manually post the approved email through your Keap app.

If you have any questions, contact during the hours of 9-12pm and 1-4pm.

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