Where is my DNS located?

When TaxProMarketer is setting up your new website, using one of your existing domain names, you may hear our team or current website providers refer to your "DNS". The DNS (Domain Name System) as an area that needs to be updated.

DNS is a system used to convert a computer's host name into an IP address on the Internet. For example, if a computer needs to communicate with the web server example.net, your computer needs the IP address of the web server example.net. This is called your "DNS settings".

In order for your TaxProMarketer website to go live or stay live, we need to make sure your DNS is pointing to the correct IP address. Your DNS can be found within your domain hosting account. When you sign up with TaxProMarketer's website services, we recommend and are happy to make those changes on your behalf. 

In order for our team to make those DNS changes on your behalf, we'll need you to make sure we have ongoing access to your domain to take your new website live as well as make updates as needed.

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