What's the difference between BING Ads and Google Ads?

The concept behind Google Ads and Bing Ads is essentially the same. Both platforms are pay-per-click advertising platforms designed to help you achieve your short-term marketing goals or to get quick conversions.

Both platforms are designed to help your business reach its target audience online, drive traffic, and increase revenue, but each has its own unique benefits and features that make them advantageous over the others. 

How are they different?
Google Ads provides two different types of advertising networks – the Search Network and the Display Network.
The Search Network consists of text ads. The Display network consists of display ads that appear on a number of different websites across the internet – being more graphic-based than the text-driven ads that appear in search engines.
Bing on the other hand, is affiliated with Yahoo and AOL, so when you advertise on one of its platforms your text ad can be seen on all three search engines. When it comes to search ads, Google and Bing ads are quite similar.
Targeting Capabilities
Google Ads allows you to target users based on affinity, demographics, re-marketing, similar audience, and more. 
Bing Ads targeting capabilities are similar except their device targeting options are more comprehensive compared to Google’s. Bing allows you to target audiences based on their device type (mobile, desktop, etc), as well as assign different advertising campaigns to different time zones. 
However, as the majority of online searches are done through the Google platform, Bing users can be a little more difficult to target.
Which platform should I use?
As both platforms are designed to help your online business reach its target audience, drive traffic, and increase revenue, but come with different capabilities, we recommend reaching out to our advertising team to learn more about which options is the best fit for your firm. 

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