Can I make changes to my lead capture form questions?

As a key part of your lead capture strategy, the CallToAction form is provided on the home page of the website.

The questions provided on the lead form are intentional, as they are designed to get initial info, warming the lead up to the idea of becoming a new client. It is vital the questions strike a balance between the needs of the firm and what the consumer is comfortable answering on a website.
We'd love to change up the form questions, while continuing to streamline the experience for your online prospects. Making the form easy to understand is key, as the primary purpose of the form is getting as many prospects as possible to complete the form without getting deterred.
Our team is concerned broad alterations to the form questions may hinder leads from completing the form. We would hate to see your firm lose prospects, simply because the viewers felt the form questions were too numerous, or too invasive for a first-time connection. 
Our team is happy to make minor adjustments to the form questions, but recommend using questions that strike a balance between the needs of your firm and what the consumer is comfortable answering on a public website.

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